Distributed Tracing - Computer Measurement Group

Distributed Tracing

September 14, 2020
Getting started with OpenTelemetry
Abstract: This talk introduces OpenTelemetry to developers and operators. First, learn about each OpenTelemetry component, […]
September 18, 2020
Solving Mysteries with Observability: Adding Additional Context to Distributed Tracing
Abstract: Everyone loves a good mystery, but not when it involves operating our services. When investigating […]
September 21, 2020
Demystifying Distributed Tracing
September 21, 2020
OpenTelemetry and Kubernetes
October 13, 2020
Distributed Tracing at Facebook- A Case Study
Abstract: Facebook’s tracing system is used for both broad scale, distributed traces, as well as in-depth […]
October 13, 2020
Distilling the Monolith to Microservices Journey
Speaker bios: Sanjay Nagaraj: Prior to co-founding Traceable, Sanjay was VP Engineering for AppDynamics (acquired […]

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