Virtual Conference 2020 – Save MSUs and Reduce Run-Times for Analytics and MXG Reporting - Computer Measurement Group

Virtual Conference 2020 – Save MSUs and Reduce Run-Times for Analytics and MXG Reporting

An Interview with Reg Harbeck | Virtual Conference 2020
March 12, 2020
Announcing Online Programming Lineup
March 18, 2020

Virtual Conference 2020 – Save MSUs and Reduce Run-Times for Analytics and MXG Reporting

Presenter: Paul Massengill, Systems Engineer & Analytics Specialist

The mainframe team of a Fortune 500 Transportation Provider was tasked with conflicting goals: (1) increase the frequency and variety of reporting and analytics, and (2) avoid an upgrade of their already overtaxed mainframe. Learn how you can apply their success with off-host processing to your operations for faster analytics and MXG reporting, all while retaining mainframe control of scheduling, execution and security.

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