Virtual Conference 2020 – IBM Z Cost Modernization

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Virtual Conference 2020 – IBM Z Cost Modernization


Jeanne Glass | Founder and CEO, VirtualZ Computing
Vince Re | Co-founder and CTO, VirtualZ Computing


Is your mainframe strategy poised to realize average benefits worth more than 6x what you invest?

That’s what IDC projects in a recent study of organizations that leveraged the capabilities of today’s mainframes and tools alongside new technologies to transform their platforms. Join us for a discussion about new technologies focused on cost modernization strategies and trends. Two of these are IBM Z software as a service and how to select a granular unit of mainframe workload—based upon a policy or rule set—and dynamically redirect to a private, public or hybrid cloud. Momentum is building among customers as they seriously consider on-premises vs cloud resources to execute z/OS* workloads to reduce software license fees. If you’re paying too much for your IBM Z COBOL, C++ and other compilers, File-AID, ChangeMan and batch-oriented products, those are the first types of products easily deployed with new technology towards today’s mainframe cost modernization.

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