IMPACT 2015 Proceedings - Computer Measurement Group

IMPACT 2015 Proceedings

CMG Journal Winter 2015
January 29, 2015
CMG Announces MeasureIT Issue 15.1, 2015
February 5, 2015

IMPACT 2015 Proceedings

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I Feel the Need for Speed
Artis, Pat

Capacity Management Maturity: Assessing and Improving the Effectiveness
Fronheiser, Rich

Historical Value‐at‐Risk Estimation: Performance Optimization on Multicore
CPUs and GPUs
Kalele, Amit

CMG‐T: Analytics for Performance Analysis & Capacity Planning ‐ Part 1
Wicks, Ray

A Performance Model for SWIFT Store‐and‐Forward Platform
Schul, Nicolas

Invited: Understanding the Performance and Management Implications of
FICON Dynamic Routing
Guendert, Stephen

Managing the Datacenter as the Computer
Vincent, Jay

Capacity Planning Model and Simulation (CAPSIM) for the Cloud
Carrasquilla, Uriel

CMG‐T: Analytics for Performance Analysis & Capacity Planning ‐ Part 2
Wicks, Ray

Multiple Dimensions of Load Testing
Podelko, Alexander

The Business Justification for Application Performance Management
Kowall, Jonah

Invited: Containers and Microservices Create New Performance Challenges
Kowall, Jonah

CMG‐T: Modeling and Forecasting ‐ Part 1
Salsburg, Michael

Capacity Planning with an Eye on Business Risk
Evans, Todd

CMG‐T: z/OS Storage Performance: Tutorial Part 1 ‐ The Basics
Houtekamer, Gilbert

Invited: Tackling Big Data
Bakkannagari, Rohith

Invited: Optimal Design Principles for Better Performance of Next generation
Gurusamy, Balachandar

Invited: IBM z13 and I/O Enhancements

Guendert, Stephen

CMG‐T: Modeling and Forecasting ‐ Part 2
Salsburg, Michael

Top Interviewing Tips You Need to Know Now
Kalm, Denise

CMG‐T: z/OS Storage Performance: Tutorial Part 2 ‐ All Flash or Autotiering
Storage Systems?
Houtekamer, Gilbert

Invited: Using R to Discover True Web System Performance
Mao, Benjamin

Resource Optimization for IaaS and SaaS Providers
Menasce, Daniel

CMG‐T: Modeling and Forecasting ‐ Part 3
Salsburg, Michael

Understanding VMware Capacity
Bell, Phillip

CMG‐T: z/OS Storage Performance: Tutorial Part 3 ‐ Instrumentation in the
Black Box
Houtekamer, Gilbert

An Affordable Care Act Web Site Load Testing Experience
Brady, James

Invited: Testing the Performance of Mobile Apps
Nicholson, Bill

Invited: Performance Assurance for Big Data World
Zibitsker, Boris

Invited: Software Memories, Simulated Machines
Louth, William

CMG‐T: Performance Engineering Guidelines for Tuning Multi‐Tier Applications
‐ Part 1
Kaushik, Sundarraj

Automatic Workload Characterization Using System Log Analysis
Awad, Mahmoud

What Performance and Capacity People Need to Know About Intelligent BPM
Kalm, Denise

Rethinking Randomness: What you need to know
Buzen, Jeff

Developing Predictive and Prescriptive Business Analytics: A Case Study
Das, Chiranjoy

Getting Performance Information from Oracle Infrastructure
Pot’Vin‐Gorman, Kellyn

CMG‐T: Performance Engineering Guidelines for Tuning multi‐tier Applications ‐ Kaushik Part 2
Kaushik, Sundarraj

Modeling the Tradeoffs Between System Performance and CPU Power
Menasce, Daniel

Performance Prediction for Enterprise Application
Chahal, Dheeraj

IT Capacity Management 101
Bell, Phillip

Invited: z/OS Performance HOT Topics
Walsh, Kathy

CMG‐T: Performance Engineering Guidelines for Tuning Multi‐Tier Applications
‐ Part 3
Kaushik, Sundarraj

Invited: Capacity Planning for Java Application Performance
Chow, Kingsum

Sense and Respond? Why Not Predict and Prevent?
Ukelson, Ivan

Invited: Let’s Put the “e” Back in Testing
Boutin, Dan

CMG‐T: zEnterprise Performance and Capacity Management A‐to‐Z ‐ Part 1
Gelb, Ivan

Dealing with Fat Tailed Utilization Distributions and Long Term Correlation
Temple, Joseph

CMG‐T: Introduction to the Storage Performance Management Life Cycle – Part 1
Allison, Brett

Invited: Architecture and Design for Performance of a Large European Bank Payment System
Ramasastry, Harikumar

Vendor Tools: Truesight Capacity Optimization
Bonomini, Renato

How to Gain Support for Your IT Performance Initiatives from Your Finance Partner
McCoy, Randy

WLM Caused Pain and Pleasure
Gelb, Ivan

CMG‐T: Enterprise Storage System Architecture Overview ‐ Part 2
Allison, Brett

Invited: Performance Analysis of Big Data Analytics on Lustre and HDFS File Systems
Singhal, Rekha

Vendor Tools: Truesight Capacity Optimization
Bonomini, Renato

Invited: Why is this Web App Running Slowly?
Friedman, Mark

Holistic z/OS Performance and Capacity Management
Gelb, Ivan

Invited: Let’s Turn Real User Data into a Science
Boutin, Dan

CMG‐T: Enterprise Disk and SAN Data Collection and Measurement ‐ Part 3
Allison, Brett

Performance Evaluation of an Electronic Point of Sale System for a Retail Client
Chava, Veera

Vendor Tools: Performance Tuning for DB2
Stroh, Kai

Lessons from Capacity Planning a Java Enterprise Application: How to Keep
Capacity Predictions on Target and Cut CPU Usage by 5x
Doni, Stefano

CMG‐T: Windows System Performance Measurement and Analysis ‐ Part 1
Schwartz, Jeffry

You Test Where? Performance Testing in DR and Prod!
Parrish, Jeffry

Maximum User Concurrency and Blocking Probability for Managed and Open
Access Applications
Lou, Xiaosong

HTTP/2: Implications for Web Application Performance
Friedman, Mark

Invited: z/OS Central Storage Management
Walsh, Kathy

CMG‐T: Windows System Performance Measurement and Analysis ‐ Part 2
Schwartz, Jeffry

Monitoring and Remediation of Cloud Services Based on 4R Approach
Ardulov, Yuri

Invited: WSC Experiences with the z13 and SMT: What the Numbers Mean
Walsh, Kathy

CMG‐T: Windows System Performance Measurement and Analysis ‐ Part 3
Schwartz, Jeffry

Invited: Performance Measurement of Deduplication Applied to Block Storage
McNutt, Bruce

Vendor Tools: SOASTA
Boutin, Dan

Five Trends in Computing Leading to Multi‐Cloud Applications and Their
Jain, Raj

CMP (Cloud Management Platform) ‐ Performance Workload Analysis
Gosavi, Vaibhav

CMG‐T: Capacity and Performance for Newbs and Nerds ‐ Part 1
Gunther, Neil

Invited: Memory Management in the TB Age
Chapman, Scott

Establishing Better Governance for IT Service Management through ISO20K
Accreditation and ITIL Capacity Management
Baker, Jamie

Spinning Your Wheels: CPU Time vs Instructions
Baker, John

Percentile‐Based Approach to Forecasting Workload Growth
Gilgur, Alexander

Invited: Incremental Risk Charge Calculation: A Case Study of Performance
Optimization on Many/Multi Core Platforms
Kalele, Amit

Identifying the Causes of High Latencies in Storage Traces Using Workload
Decomposition and Feature Selection
Myers, Daniel

CMG‐T: Java ‐ Part 1
Johnson, Peter

Developing Our Intuition About Queuing Network Model
Gimarc Richard

CMG‐T: Using Hadoop and MapReduce to Process Big Data ‐ Part 1
Pentakalos, Odysseas

Modelling an Effective IT Capacity Planning Using Adoptive Methods and Processes
pandiyan, Kumaresan Balaji

CMG‐T: Java ‐ Part 2
Johnson, Peter

Invited: Lessons Learned from Implementing an IDAA
Chapman, Scott

Data Correlation for Capacity Management
Feiste, Dale

Maturing the Capacity Management Process
Baker, Jamie

CMG‐T: Using Hadoop and MapReduce to Process Big Data ‐ Part 2
Pentakalos, Odysseas

CMG‐T: Java ‐ Part 3
Johnson, Peter

CMG‐T: Using Hadoop and MapReduce to Process Big Data ‐ Part 3
Pentakalos, Odysseas

Invited: Summary of 4‐Part Series Published in CMG Journal
Dowling, Ann

Essential Reporting for Capacity and Performance Management
Feiste, Dale


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