Using RMF based CPU and Delay Metrics for Performance Analysis and Capacity Planning
October 13, 2022
Performance (and load) testing in production!
November 7, 2022Dear Members,
I am pleased to welcome a new sponsor to CMG – Vicom-Infinity, a Converge Company. Vicom-Infinity is an IBM Premier Business Partner and will join CMG at the IMPACT conference this February.
At CMG, we rely on partners like Vicom-Infinity to bring expert speakers and content to our events. We are excited to welcome Seth Miller to IMPACT to share a capacity planning and data analysis exercise.
Vicom-Infinity’s expertise is in IT transformation. Because of their vast experience, each solution that they develop, implement, and support is customized to the unique needs of that specific customer. They have a strong reputation for their expertise in optimizing legacy investments while introducing new technologies and capabilities.
I hope you will check out Vicom-Infinity, a Converge Company today and reach out to them to learn more.
-Amanda Hendley, Managing Director, Computer Measurement Group, Inc.