All Hands on Deck! Come Together with the Fab Four: Capacity, Performance, Cost and AI - Computer Measurement Group

All Hands on Deck! Come Together with the Fab Four: Capacity, Performance, Cost and AI

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All Hands on Deck! Come Together with the Fab Four: Capacity, Performance, Cost and AI

In today’s world, your ‘deck’ needs more hands! It takes skilled people, an effective capacity management process, and focused tools to support mergers, acquisitions, outage recovery, and application changes within an infrastructure. Considering the realization that no organization can properly support an “All Hands Event” with just using “Eyes on Glass” and that it takes a business focus on the data with reporting that is enabled with AI. In this session, Dan Ruehl will review being be prepared for the event (the business matters), aligning your data for AI consumption, statistical “helping hands”, resiliency and data visualization practices.


  • All Hand’s on Deck Events can be planned for
  • Capacity Management and Resiliency are important success factors
  • Risk analysis should be done before, during, and after the event


About the Speaker:

Dan Ruehl is a Senior Product Implementation Specialist at 21st Century Software. He is ITIL V3 certified, infrastructure leader, with broad significant accomplishments in Fortune 500 companies that include financial services, software, health insurance, and transportation industries. Dan has presented at CMG 2021 “Capacity Management in a Changing World-Turning the Lights On in Capacity Management” as well as GSE UK and other technical conferences.

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