The Vital Role of an SRE and how it’s Evolving
April 7, 2021
The evolution of the mainframe in a hybrid cloud world
April 26, 2021Abstract:
What is modernization, why does it matter, and how do you know it’s a good investment? We’ve been doing IT for long enough that we have begun to learn that age-old lesson that newer isn’t always better. Yet, the world is rapidly changing, and there’s a need for technology that can enable the newest initiatives to respond to these challenges and opportunities.
In this session, we’ll look at how we discern between getting value from modernization versus just spending on the latest sizzle. Then we’ll consider some of the new ways that technology can support keeping up with, and even creating, the curve. Finally, we’ll bring it all together with a review of the role of IBM Z in responding to the future, from the earliest days through its most leading-edge capacities and prospects.
About the Speaker:
Reg Harbeck, who has been recognized by IBM as a Z Champion, has been involved in IT and mainframes for over three decades across the entire spectrum of business computing. He has written, presented, consulted and taught courses on mainframe-related matters world-wide, and is heavily involved in the mainframe ecosystem, and especially with user groups such as CMG and SHARE. He is currently working on the thesis for his Master’s degree in humanities, with a tentative title of “The Humanity of the Mainframe.” Reg is Chief Strategist at Mainframe Analytics ltd.
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