A Message From Our Editor: In this Issue of the CMG Journal - Computer Measurement Group

A Message From Our Editor: In this Issue of the CMG Journal

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A Message From Our Editor: In this Issue of the CMG Journal

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In a couple of weeks, CMG will release its 3rd CMG Journal issue of 2017. This issue will feature 3 articles on Performance Audits, Application Slowness, and ICT Service Management. We’re also posting about the journal on our blog here.

From Steve Guendert, CMG Journal editor:

Our first paper was written by Ashutosh Shinde, Selecting Enterprise Applications for Performance Audit Using Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP), discusses a technique for introducing objectivity and dealing with a complex decision-making process while selecting the application set. The paper applies the technique to a typical banking enterprise and explains how the critical applications can be selected.

Our second paper, Working on Application Slowness in Mainframe Infrastructure-Database Recommendations, written by Venkatesh Pandian Rajagopalan, aims at addressing the capacity and performance issues happened in an infrastructure project and the various methods considered to overcome the performance bottleneck in a mainframe application and infrastructure.

Last, but certainly not least, our third paper, Re-inventing ICT but Not the Wheel, was written by Flavio Gaj and Silvio Antonio Varagnolo. Their paper discusses the concept of ICT Service Management” (Information and Communication Technology Service Management), along with reference models, guidelines and certification systems that are part of this discipline. Of the reference models, the Information Technology Infrastructure Library (ITIL) is the most consolidated, exhaustive and closest to the problems of ICT Service Management.

Don’t miss out on another great issue. Join CMG today!


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