The CMG Journal is Back! - Computer Measurement Group

The CMG Journal is Back!

Improved IT Operations Management for IT Managers and Capacity Planners
February 26, 2017
CMG imPACt 2017 – Call for Papers
March 13, 2017

The CMG Journal is Back!

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The CMG Journal is Back!

After a two year hiatus, CMG is pleased to announce the return of CMG’s flagship publication, the CMG Journal. The new and improved CMG Journal will be making its debut in March with a first ever, and very special, “Best of CMG” Journal Issue. This special issue will contain five of the best papers from among the CMG International Conference Best Paper winners, and Mullen winners from the past several years.

The CMG Journal will be published quarterly, and we are looking for high quality papers to include in future issues starting with June 2017. Former CMG Publications Director and longtime CMG Journal editor Steve Guendert is returning as lead editor this year and asks that you please submit ideas/paper abstracts, and actual papers for consideration to [email protected].

Visit the CMG Journal homepage for more information here.

The Journal is a CMG Members Only Publication. If you are interested in receiving the Journal please make sure to get or renew your membership.

Become a CMG Member or Invite a Colleague to Join Today


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