IMPACT2021 | Strategic Modernization Business Use Cases – Andrew Wickett - Computer Measurement Group

IMPACT2021 | Strategic Modernization Business Use Cases – Andrew Wickett

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IMPACT2021 | Strategic Modernization Business Use Cases – Andrew Wickett

Every journey is different, and theoretically ongoing. Smart Digital Transformation is strategic, avoids the sharp turns that threaten business continuity, and is programmed to address the three transformational challenges of application, process, and infrastructure. These are incremental steps, delivering new value along the way, and unique to every customer. Some will need to prioritize process—how they get things done. Others will focus elsewhere. But the DX goal of deploying higher value applications, often written in COBOL across host, server, cloud, and mobile will be consistent. Join this session to learn how other users’ are approaching and executing their modernization journey.

Andrew Wickett
Chief Technologist – App. Modernization & Connectivity
Micro Focus


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