APIs, Microservices, and Mainframe Integration - Computer Measurement Group

APIs, Microservices, and Mainframe Integration

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August 5, 2019
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Do You Realize How Much You Can Learn (about almost anything) from RMF & SMF Data?
September 23, 2019

APIs, Microservices, and Mainframe Integration

Webinar APIs, Microservices, and Mainframe Integration

APIs and Microservices dominate the conversation when we talk about new application development. However, there seems to be a great deal of confusion between exactly what the difference is between the two. How do we decide which to use when integrating mainframe applications?

In this session, we will discuss:

  • What is an API?
  • What is a Microservice?
  • What do they have to do with the mainframe?
  • Best Practices for use in legacy integration

About the Speaker:

Don Spoerke
Director of Product Evangelism of GT Software
A 25-year veteran in the enterprise modernization space, Don has collaborated with an impressive list of global FORTUNE companies to intelligently integrate legacy mainframe assets to scale for new business application initiatives. Don provides a practical, sound technical and strategic vision for organizations that seek to expand the role of the mainframe within the enterprise to quickly and cost-effectively integrate into new technologies like mobile and web applications, as well as cloud-based solutions.

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