IMPACT 2019: Capacity management for the digital and the agile world – Jamie Baker, Syncsort
May 7, 2019
Webinar: Selecting Appropriate Cloud Platforms for Data Warehouse Workloads
May 13, 2019St. Louis CMG is looking for speakers for their upcoming events on July 16 and October 15! Recent attendees are asking for great presentations on the topics of
- Performance Testing
- DevOps
- Continuous Delivery & Impact on Capacity Planning
- End User Experience (Technologies and Measurements)
- VMware Capacity Management
If you would like to be considered as a speaker for an upcoming STLCMG event, send your information and an abstract to [email protected]. It is important that session, even if presented by a sponsoring company, are rich in content and of value to the attendees. Please note that there is no compensation for speaking at regional events (but we hope you’ll let us buy you lunch).