ImPACt Video Interview with Alex Gilgur, Network Data Scientist and imPACt Speaker
November 21, 2017
2017 Conference Proceedings
November 28, 2017Best Paper Award Winners
Each year, conference papers judged exemplary by industry peers receive these conference honors. These papers reflect the best of the best offered at the conference.
List of Best Paper Winners
- Achieving CPU (& MLC) Savings through Optimizing Processor CacheTodd Havenost This paper introduces key processor cache concepts and metrics, laying the foundation for understanding the vital role processor cache plays in CPU consumption. Those metrics are then leveraged to identify specific ways to improve processor cache efficiency by optimizing LPAR topology and maximizing work executing on Vertical High CPs. Throughout the paper, Todd uses several examples from real-life situations to illustrate both the opportunities and the potential impacts of tuning actions.
- Analyzing SSD/Flash Performance in High-End Storage Cor Meenderinck
- Lessons from Capacity Planning a Java Enterprise Application: How to Keep Capacity Predictions onStefano Doni
- Entropy-Based Anomaly Detection for SAP z/OS Systems
Tim Browning - Dynamic Derivation of Analytical Performance Models in Autonomic Computing
Mahmoud Awad and Dr. Daniel A. Menasce
- A Performance Model for Core System Monitoring Functions
Kevin Mitchell and Daniel Menasce - Some Workload Scheduling Alternatives in a High Performance Computing Environment
James MacGalliard
- Better Information from Better Data Visualization
Nicole Arksey and Scott Chapman
- The Penguins Have Landed: Getting Started with Linux on System z
Michael Giglio - Help Developers (Finally) Find Their Own Performance Defects
Erik Ostermueller
- How to Build Tabular Dashboards Using Proc Report
Shana Bereznay, Raff Rushton and Frank Bereznay
- Survival Analysis In Computer Performance Analysis
Brian Barnett, Perry Gibson, and Frank Bereznay - Modeling Virtualized Environments in Simalytic Models by Computing Missing Service Demand Parameters
Tim R. Norton - Leveraging The Cloud For Green IT: Predicting the Energy, Cost and Performance of Cloud Computing
Amy Spellman, Richard Gimarc, and Mark Preston
- Scaling Strategies and Tactics – The Strategy: Specialization, Distribution or Both?
Richard Campbell - Say Goodbye to Post-Mortems. Say Hello to Effective Problem Management and Increased Availability
Charles T. Foy - 10 Ways to Slow Down Your JAVA Applications
Peter Johnson - A Kalm Approach to Capacity Planning – Road Rules
Denise P. Kalm
- Improving Packing Algorithms for Server Consolidation
Yasuhiro Ajiro - A Queue Simulation Tool for a High Performance Scientific Computing Center
James W. McGalliard, Carrie Spear
- Did Something Change? Using Statistical Techniques to Interpret Service and Resource Metrics
Frank Bereznay - A Tutorial on SIP Application Server Performance and Benchmarking
Curtis Hrischuk - Use Trending to Manage Application and System Performance
Bruce Perkinson
- ITIL Capacity Management Deep Dive
Chris Molloy - DB2 CPU and Response Metrics
Ned Diehl
- An Analytic Model for Predicting the Performance of SOA-Based Enterprise Software Applications
Henry H. Liu - A Performance Process Maturity Model
Michael D. Maddox - A Drag on Performance – Shared Disk in a Distributed Storage Environment
Dr Rich Olcott - Implementing an Evaluation Architecture for Web Proxies
Baoning Wu
- Getting WLM to Work for You
Ian Baldwin – Workload Manager Phase III - Time Stable Workload Characterization Techniques
Ron Kaminski - Performance Modeling and Evaluation of Large-Scale J2EE Applications
Samuel Kounev and Alejandro Buchmann - Zen and the Art of Application Performance Management
Craig Hodgins
- Exploring WLM’s Solution Space
Rich Olcott – The Dimensions of Service - Global and Application Level Exception Detection System, Based on MASF Technique
Igor Trubin - A benchmark like BEST-1
Brian Smith
- Slower Than a Dead Snail? – An Oracle & UNIX Tuning Case-Study
Tim Foxon - Experience of Characterization of Typical Multi-Tier e-Business System Using Operational Analysis
Deep Buch - Designing and Sizing Large e-Commerce Web Sites
Burzen Patel
- Exploiting Web Publishing Technology to Enhance Performance Reporting
Claude Aron - Modeling Physical Tape Capacity in a Virtual Tape Server
Paul D. Nigro
- The Capacity Performance Council, Start Yours Today!
Bob Chaney - Measurement and Modeling of Disk Subsystem Performance
Jozo J. Dujmovic, Daniel Tomasevic, and Ming Au-Yeung - Reducing the Batch Window to Start Euro Processing
Neil McMenemy - The Use of Life Expectancy to Manage Notes Domino Email Storage
William G. Pope and Lily Mummert - Capacity Planning for MS Exchange Applications
Saqib N. Syed, Yefim Somin, and Divya Prakash
- Performance Modeling of a Unix Communications Server
A. Menasce, K. Nguyen and D. Nguyen
- Understanding The Multiprocessor Effect: How to Stack the Deck-Discretely
Neil J. Gunther - A Manager’s Framework for Enterprise Resource Management
George Thompson - Measurement and Analysis of Workload CPU time in UNIX Environments
Subhash Agrawal, Kenneth Newman, Yefim Somin, and Michael Forsyth - So Now Who’s Responsible for the Phone Data? And What’s Next?
Carl E. Sommer and Tim Rowles - Fractal Patterns in DASD I/O Traffic
David L. Peterson and David B. Adams - Analyzing, Tuning, and Planning For Hybrid Tape Subsystems
William T. Gray - The Future Looks Bright for DIM
Mark B. Friedman and Bob Shannon
- Analysis of Disk Workloads in Network File Server Environments
John R. Heath and Stephen A. R. Houser - Clock Instability And Its Effect On Time Intervals In Performance Studies
Margaret A. Dietz, Carla S. Ellis, and C. Frank Starmer - Central Processor Life Extension Or Expectation Management 101
Gene Clem - Preemptible SRBs: Understanding, Exploiting, And Managing Them
John E. Arwe - Computers Don’t Sweat Or Performance Metrics In The Distributed Computing Environment
James P. Quigley - Using The World Wide Web As An Executive Information System
Larry Kayser - Parallel Transaction Server Model: A Case Study
Tim Follen