You Won’t Want to Miss the Awesome Panels at #CMG2015 - Computer Measurement Group

You Won’t Want to Miss the Awesome Panels at #CMG2015

Special Conference Announcements
October 15, 2015
It’s Not Too Late for #CMG2015!
October 27, 2015

You Won’t Want to Miss the Awesome Panels at #CMG2015

You Won’t Want to Miss the Awesome Panels at #CMG2015


PANELS are one of the most exciting parts of the CMG annual Conference.  You can hear from a group of diverse experts in the field on groundbreaking topics — and ask them anything !
Panel topics for the 2015 Performance and Capacity Conference include:

  • How Do You Manage Hybrid Applications in the Cloud
  • Mobile Performance Testing and Management
  • Performance and Capacity Management Q and A
  • Advancing in Performance Careers

For more details and to see the entire Conference program schedule go to

Registration for the Conference and workshops is available at:


Hope to see you soon in San Antonio!


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