CMG Conference 1986 Papers Proceedings - Computer Measurement Group

CMG Conference 1986 Papers Proceedings

CMG Conference 1985 Papers Proceedings
December 18, 1985
IMPACT 2001 Proceedings
January 1, 2001

CMG Conference 1986 Papers Proceedings

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Advanced Tutorials
A Systematic Approach to Obtaining Better Online Response Time – Eddward M. Wadsworth
Advanced Looking at Data – Ray Wicks
Analysis of Processor Storage and Paging Configurations – Thomas Beretvas
Effective Use of SRM Controls – Bernard R. Pierce
Exploratory Analysis of an Interactive Workload – Maria Calzarossa, V. Comincioli, P. Quaroni, Giuseppe Serazzi
Implementing Chargeback Strategies for Data Communications – James R. Cook
Modeling Memory – Ethan D. Bolker, Annie W. Shum, Subhash C. Agrawal
MVS/XA Performance and Resource Measurement Facility (RMF) Data Analysis – J. William Mullen
Queueing Models: Beyond the Basics – Jeffrey P. Buzen
Response Time Components in SNA Polled Networks … and What to Do About Them – Howard C. Berkowitz
Systems Network Architecture – Paula T. Guttman
Vector Processing and the Performance Analyst – Roger D. Smith
Workload Characterization – Gary M. King

Introductory Tutorials
A Paradigm for the Performance Analyst – Douglas R. MacKinnon
Applications Tuning in the IBM MVS Environment: Techniques, Tools, and Politics – Daniel J. Squillace, William F. Hartman
I/O Differences Between MVS/370 and MVS/XA – Alan Feinstein
Information for Managing the SNA Network – Thomas E. McKittrick
Introduction to Box-Jenkins Forecasting – Bruce A. Ingraham
Modeling Batch Response – Glen Becker, Charles K. Winston
MVS Measurement Sources for Capacity Planning – Mark B. Friedman
Notes on Performance Considerations for Single and Dual Capacity DASD – Ben Duhl
SMF Processing Daily, Weekly, Monthly SMF Archive and Subset Record Extraction – Walter P. Kraslawsky
System Performance Management and Capacity Planning – Bernard Domanski, John P. Pilch, Robert A. Orchard
The Same is the Same? or How to Compare for Equality in Computer Performance Evaluation – John P. Pilch, Bernard Domanski
The Theory and Practice of IO Tuning – Rich Olcott

Management Papers
A Planning Chart for Both Managers and Technicians – Mary Sue Dickerson, Alan Best
A Technique for Analyzing VM Workload – Neal Smith
A Visual Information System for Capacity Planning and Operations Management – William T. Gray
Capacity Management Evolution at the Library of Congress – Walter P. Kraslawsky
Capacity Planning Experiences: Refining the Process to Increase the Planner’s Productivity – J. D. Punch, D. F. Shanahan
Capacity Planning for the 85-90 Timeframe; a Partitioned Approach – Geoff Senson
Computer Cost Allocation – The Process – Arnold F. Goodman
Do I Really Need a 3090 System – Ellen M. Friedman, Jerry L. Rosenberg
Expert Systems for Network Operational Control – Kornel Terplan
In Defense of the CPE Consultant – Frank J. Ingrassia
Is There Capacity Planning After the Model – Jerry L. Rosenberg
Leadership Through Change: Managing Data Processing’s Contribution in a Changing Environment – Vince Niedzielski
Managing Computer Center Resources: A Task No More Difficult Than Minding the Store – Kathleen Brush
Network Capacity Planning Implementation – D. Russell Mack, William M. Yarnall
Paging Subsystems – Past, Present, and Future – George W. Dodson
Performance Management: Certifying the Process – Ann Marie Jackson
Predicting New IBM CPUs: A Sense of Timing – Jack van Kinsbergen
Preparing a Technical Presentation – Thomas R. Dennison, Marilyn T. Kanas
Service Level Management: A Strategy for Comprehensive Information Systems Management – Daniel A. Adam, Daniel L. Sumner
Stages of Growth in a Chargeback System – Joseph Richardson
Storage Solutions: A Management Perspective – Ed Nieves
Strategic Information Systems: Performance and Capacity Management Implications – Phillip C. Howard
The DASD Tuning & Planning Challenge – Catherine H. Liu, Wayne S. Papy
The Process of Establishing the Functional Department of Capacity and Performance Management and a Year Later – Elizabeth H. Yen
The Use of Analytic Modeling Technology for Day-to-Day Performance Management – Howard Perry
Why Build an Expert System for Computer Performance Management – Sam L. Biardo, Martha Evens, Anneliese von Mayrhauser
Workload Forecasting in the Real World – George J. Febish
Workload Forecasting: Predicting Resource Requirements for New and Existing Workloads – Ellen M. Friedman

Management Tutorials
An Approach to Remote Response Time Management Reporting – Jason G. Shane
Becoming a Manager: The Transition from Technician to Manager – James A. Stanton
Capacity Management: Justifying the Need – Dan Tartaglia
Establishing an IS Management System – Mario M. Morino
Organizational Influences on the Presentation and Acceptability of Measurenent Information – Michael McElwee
Service Goals: Who Needs Them – Douglas R. MacKinnon
Solid State Technology in a Database Environment – Lauren M. Greene, James J. Simon, Jerry St. John
The Capacity Management Charter – Leilani E. Allen
The Dynamics of Hardware Leasing – Sudhir P. Amembal
Top Down Capacity Planning – Toby Olberding
Using Service Level Agreements – Alan M. Sherkow

New Books
A Computer and Communications Network Performance Analysis Primer – Bart W. Stuck, Ed Arthurs
Communication Networks Management – Responsibilities, Instrumentation and Qualifying Experiences – Kornel Terplan
Digital Transmission Systems and Networks (New Book Session) – Syed V. Ahamed
Introduction to Computer Modeling – Arnold O. Allen

Technical Papers
A Benchmark to Compare Unix Systems – Philip M. Mills
A capacity planning model relating the degree of multiprogramming, page fault rate and CPU utilization in a large computing system – Jerry P. Place
A Knowledge System for Real-Time Performance Problem Resolution – Dan Sidorick
A Methodology of Processor Capacity Comparison – Joseph B. Major
A Productivity Model for a Computation Center from the Customer Point of View – Armin Roeseler
A Prototype Performance Engineering/Management Tool for UNIX Based Systems – Brian L. Farrell, G. Ramamurthy
A Technique for the Optimization of Transaction Processing Scheduling in On-Line Systems – Mark B. Friedman
A VAX Performance Database – James T. Cheeseman, Earl C. Robinson
An Analytical Model for Read Aheads to the Disk I/O Subsystem – G. Ramamurthy
An Empirical Study of Variations in DASD Volume Activity – Bruce McNutt
Approaches to the Traffic Performance Evaluation of a Broadband Switching Control – Josef Giglmayr
Automated Forecasting of Large and Complex Workloads -Fay A. Wong, Floyd L. Pedriana
Cached I/O Subsystems: Analysis and Performance – Anthony G. Mungal
Characterizing the Time Varying Nature of TSO Users – H. Pat Artis
Comparison of the Optimization Produced by the IBM VS-Fortran Compiler and the DEC VAX/VMS Fortran Compiler – David S. Lindsay
Computer Resource Usage Analysis for Use in Characterizing Workload – Evangeline L. Jacobs
CPU Performance Comparisons among Vendors – David S. Lindsay
DASD Cache Controllers: Performance Expectations and Measurement – Roger P. Kovach
DB2 Performance and Capacity Planning Case Study – Brian Snell, Robert G. Hardman
DB2 Workload Analysis – Robert B. Ashton
Degradation of IMS Performance Using a 3880-23 Cache Controller – Carolyn Hanna
Determining the Optimum Number of Subprogram Instruction Banks in a Sperry High Volume TIP Environment – J. S. Kaminski
Directed Benchmarks for CPU Architecture Evaluation – David S. Lindsay, Thomas E. Bell
Evaluating I/O Subsystem Performance – Giuseppe Biagini
Hierarchical I/O Sub-System Performance Management – Carson Ho
How a Semiconductor Disk Improved Data Center Throughput by Removing I/O Bottlenecks – David J. Carley, Dale F. Naleway
How to Get the Most Out Of Your CPU – Charles Padamadan
Improving 9-Track Tape Performance – Errol C. Heiman
IMS/VS Performance Considerations – John E. Fair
Incorporating Sensitivity Analysis in Capacity Planning – Brian Williams
Inferring Capacity from a Live Workload Under VM – Geoff Senson
Large Systems Performance Studies in VM/CMS Environments – Andrew Lockey
Measuring I/O workload characteristics in IBM/MVS systems – Gilbert E. Houtekamer
Methodology for Determining the Effects of Optimizing Compilers – David S. Lindsay
Microcomputer Disk Drive Performance – Thomas E. Bell, Wayne E. Bell
Model Validation: What You Don’t Know Will Hurt You – Ivan L. Gelb, Mark B. Nelson
Modeling DASDs and Disk Caches – Alexandre Brandwajn
Modelling CICS Systems: The Performance Impact of MRO Implementations and Data Base Considerations – Ellen M. Friedman
Models for Capacity Planning – CAPPER/PC Algorithms & Calculations Overview – Stephen P. Beever
NI, AI, and the Network Operations Assistant – Howard C. Berkowitz
Performance Analysis During Application Design: An IMS Case Study – Allan I. Levy, Victor C. Soder
Performance Analysis Using User Behavior Graphs – Maria Calzarossa, Kishor S. Trivedi
Performance and Planning Experiences of Implementing a Distributed Office Automation System – Tachen Leo Lo, Jack Peng
Performance Engineering: Various Techniques and Tools – Charles T. Alexander
Performance for a Large, Complex Application – Gwen A. Morrison
Planning for DASD Cache Controllers – Richard M. VanValkenburgh Jr., A. Byers Parsons
Program Behavior and Page Hit Probabilities – J. G. M. Kroon
Servability – A General Case for Availability – Cary Hower, Kaison Yen
Storage Strategy – Duncan Cheung
The Performance Evaluation Toolkit – Tony Cranny, Michael F. Rizzo
The Performance Impact of 2-to-1 Folding and Block Size: A Simulation Analysis – Timothy A. Brunner
The Standard Unit of Processing on Sperry 1100 Systems – Jerome W. Blaylock
The Use of the Coefficient of Variation as an Index of Relative Variability and a Measure of Risk – Michael C. Ingram
Workload Forecasting Using NFU: A Capacity Planner’s Perspective – Tachen Leo Lo, J. P. Elias


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