Before you Leave for CMG - Computer Measurement Group

Before you Leave for CMG

imPACt by Day, La Jolla by Night
October 11, 2016
November Volunteer Spotlight
November 4, 2016

Before you Leave for CMG

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Before you Leave for CMG


The premier international event designed for and by performance and capacity professionals

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CMG is very pleased you are attending this year’s conference.  We feel that it will be a great learning and entertaining week for all.  There are few things we want to let you know before you ‘take off’ next week.

EventsXD – this is our mobile app that we will be using onsite.  It is available to download now through your Android or Apple app stores.  Once downloaded, you will see a list of conferences, CMG should appear on the first screen, if not you can do a quick search for it.  Inside the app you will be able to review all sessions, speakers, sponsors, set your own agenda, and more.  Be sure to make sure the notifications option is Turned ON, as we will be able to update you onsite of any changes or news as the conference week progresses.

You can also view the Program Schedule on the CMG EventsXD dedicated website.

If you would like to have a soft or hard copy of the agenda, you may download a PDF to store on your laptop, tablet or mobile device or print and carry with you throughout the week.  CMG will NOT have printed copies onsite.  Please make sure to print prior to your departure.  Please note, changes made after Oct. 28th will not appear on this version of the schedule.  Our online schedule through the mobile app will continually update program changes in real time (just hit the ‘refresh’ button each time you open the app) all week – so make sure your Notifications are Turned On!

Printable Agenda:

CMG is an organization founded by, run by, and managed by volunteers.  We understand how valuable you time away from you ‘desk’ is.  Over the years CMG has been very dependent on volunteers at the conference.  This year is no different, but we want to ‘lighten the load’.  In doing so we have decided that we will not be seeking volunteers to Chair and Monitor our sessions.  We understand that you are interested in the education we provide and we do not want to take away from that opportunity.  In doing this we will not be in need of onsite volunteers to oversee sessions, but for all attendees to sit and learn and enjoy during our session hours.

If you have already ‘signed-up’ for a Session Monitor position you no longer need to ‘report to duty’ for it – enjoy the session without the paperwork!

We highly encourage everyone to use the mobile app to complete session evaluations through the app for the sessions they attend – it nice and easy.  For those that may not have that capability, we will have blank paper session evaluations at the door of each session room for you to complete and leave in a return basket.

If at any time you have questions about these or other items onsite, please feel free to stop by the Registration Desk.  Registration will be located in the lower level lobby.  Hours will be open, Sunday 4:00 – 8:00 PM and each conference day (Mon – Thurs) at 7:00 AM.

That’s all for now, we look forward to seeing you in La Jolla!

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Computer Measurement Group (CMG) | 856.401.1700

[email protected] |


#CMGimPACt #cmgnews

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