CMG Conference 1984 Papers Proceedings - Computer Measurement Group

CMG Conference 1984 Papers Proceedings

CMG 1983 Papers
December 25, 1983
CMG Conference 1985 Papers Proceedings
December 18, 1985

CMG Conference 1984 Papers Proceedings

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Advanced Tutorial Program

An Investigation of the Effects of the Path Control and Data Link Control Layers in SNA
Alan Tominberg

Capacity Planning for TANDEM Transaction Processing Systems
Larry E. Watson

Capacity Planning Using Queueing Network Models: A Tutorial
Edward D. Lazowska, Kenneth C. Sevcik

Disk Backup Performance Considerations
Ben Duhl, Steven Halladay, Prakash S. Mankekar

IBM 3880 Control units: Performance, Configuration and Error Recovery
Robert H. Johnson

Implementation of Global Enqueue Systems – A Tutorial
David G. Halbig

Modeling Benchmark Workloads
John P. Pilch

Modelling the Memory Impact of TSO and Batch Growth
Glen Becker

MVS I/O Subsystems
Ray Wicks

MVS Problem Avoidance
Ernie Burke

Paging Enhancements in VM/SP HPO
Thomas Beretvas, William H. Tetzlaff

Performance and Tuning of Cached I/O Subsystems
Mark B. Friedman

Performance Evaluation of Buffered Tape Subsystems
George L. Grossman, Robert G. Long

Performance Measurement for System/38, IBM’s Advanced Architecture System
Brian E. Clark

Speeding up Computer System Simulations Using Hierarchical Modeling
Alexander Thomasian, Kameshwar Gargeya

Introductory Tutorial Progam

A Tutorial on Multiple Regression Analysis
Jerry L. Hintze

An Introduction to Capacity Planning
William M. Conner

Capacity Planning Queueing Model for an ACP/TPF Message Routing System
Bijay Roy, Bill Hamilton

Getting Started in Analytic Modeling
Arnold O. Allen

How JES2 Job Classes and Initiators Structures Work
H. Pat Artis

How to Speak the Performance Lingo (Or At Least Understand It)
Glen Becker

Installation Change Control within a Large System Operating Environment
Norman Rudikoff

Methods for the Deployment of IBM 3880 Model 13 Cached Storage Controllers
Paula T. Guttman

On the Estimation of Software Function Size – An Important Performance Indicator – and Application of Expert System Technology
John E. Gaffney Jr.

Relating Benchmarks to Unix Performance Projections or What do you do with 20 pounds of benchmark data
Gene Dronek

Using CPU Measurement Data for Capacity Planning: How to Calculate Capture Ratios
Sue Felix

Workload Characterization for CICS/VS: The Modelling Implications
Ellen M. Friedman, Jerry L. Rosenberg

Write Your Own Component without Mixing up MICS
Lee Copeland

Management Program

BEST/1 Modeling Experience and Credibility at SPNB
Larry K. Chu

Capacity Planning in a Decentralized Environment
Jerry L. Rosenberg, Ellen M. Friedman

CICS Transaction Service Level Reporting
Michael V. Miller

Communications Network Management – End User Issues
James R. Cook

Computer Resource Forecasting at BCSC
Ray Van Raamsdonk

Defining the Performance Management Function
John P. Pilch

Establishing Credible Computing Activity Reports
K. V. Pandit, J. G. Thomason

Impact of Microcomputers on Traditional Information Management Resources
Ronald D. Emrick

Implementing a Quality Circle Program for Computer Professionals
Barbara K. Lee

Management Concern What Happens When Your IMS System Outgrows IBM’s Largest Machine
Glen Becker

Managing MDS Resources at PNB
D. P. Davis

MIS Decision Analysis Methodology
George J. Febish

Organizational Planning Technique: A Graphical Analysis of Computer Performance
Linda A. Aho, Paul R. Robichaux

Organizational System Dependency Analysis (OSDA)
Paul R. Robichaux

Performance Management During Application Development
Ralph S. Terkowitz

Performance Tracking in a Complex Environment
Gordon R. Stauffer

Planning Information Systems for User Satisfaction
Carol B. Kaplan, Paul R. Robichaux

Problems Facing Workload Forecasting
John Wandzilak

Regional Office Performance Measurement at State Farm
Donald Young

Relating Computer Center User Requirements to a Budget
John A. Alfano

Service Management
William R. Wike

Some Current Issues in Software Management
Harold Lorin

Staff Development for Installation Management
Gregory W. Hislop

Survey of Share Inc. Managers’ Reporting Needs
Shirley I. Linde

The Best of Both Worlds: An Integrated Approach to Capacity Planning and Software Performance Engineering
Margaret E. Berry

The Case for Capacity Management: A Presentation to Management
Dale E. Brown

The Relationship Between Installation Accounting and Performance Management and Capacity Planning
H. Pat Artis

Workload Acceptance Procedures: A Viable Option for “Out of Capacity” Situations
Leilani E. Allen

Workstation Information Integration and Performance Evaluation: A Boon to User Productivity
Herman P. Hoplin

Management Tutorial Program

An Information System Cost Analysis Approach
Henry Nanjo, Ray Choy, Catherine H. Liu

An Introduction to Information Economics
David R. Vincent

Benchmarking Decisions – A Management Tutorial
Anthony F. Brunetto

Is Computer Operations the Weak Link in Organizational Computing
Peter E. Berkeley

Managing MVS Installations as a Business
James A. Stanton

Recruiting a CPE Professional
Marilyn T. Kanas

Understanding Financial Issues in Computer Planning – A Management Tutorial
Anthony M. Abowd

New Book Program

A Simple Model of Transaction Processing
Jeffrey P. Buzen

An Introduction to Expert Systems
Keith R. Milliken

An Introduction to UNIX Systems and Their Performance – A Tutorial
Luis-Felipe Cabrera

Architecture of Systems Problem Solving (Plenum Press, New York, 1985), book abstract
George J. Klir

Computer Effectiveness: Bridging the Management/Technology Gap
C. Warren Axelrod

Elements of Practical Performance Modeling
Edward A. MacNair, Charles H. Sauer

End-User Computing and the Changing Role of the MIS Function
Robert L. Leitheiser, James C. Wetherbe

Introduction to IBM Direct Access Storage Devices and Information Processing
Marilyn J. Bohl

Measurement and Tuning of Computer Systems
Domenico Ferrari, Giuseppe Serazzi, Alessandro Zeigner

Merrill’s Expanded Guide to Computer Performance Evaluation Using the SAS System
H. W. Barry Merrill

Quantitative System Performance Computer System Analysis Using Queueing Network Models
Edward D. Lazowska, John Zahorjan, G. Scott Graham, Kenneth C. Sevcik

Simulation of Computer Communication Systems
Charles H. Sauer, Edward A. MacNair

Strategic Data Processing: Considerations for Management (Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice Hall, Inc., 1984), book abstract
James W. Cortada

System Performance Management and Capacity Planning
Bernard Domanski

Panel Discussion Program

Capacity Planning from an Executive Management Perspective
Thomas V. McKernan

Technical Program

A Case Study of Access to VM Disk Volumes
Bruce McNutt

A Comparison of Performance Models of a High Speed Computer Network
William G. Bulgren, Victor L. Wallace, Ron Ireland, Someshwar C. Gupta

A CPE Project in a Fast Transaction Processing Environment
Shan Barkataki

A Multi-Stage Hierarchical Performance Evaluation Concept – Design, Application and Experiences
Axel Lehmann

A Performance Measurement Methodology Using Live Workloads in a Regular, Consistent and Standard Fashion
James A. Redmond

A Performance Study of the Ethernet Under Berkeley UNIX 4.2BSD
Edward Hunter

A Tool for Performance Comparisons of Unix-Based Systems
Maria Calzarossa, Gian Paolo Rossi, Giuseppe Serazzi, D. Boretti

A TSO Workload Characterization Study or Sub-Second Response Time Revisited
Brian Day

An Architectural Overview of the Performance Analysis Process
Steven Halladay

An Expert System for Computer Performance Modeling: Design Issues
Andrew P. Levine

Automation of MVS Operations, an Expert Systems Approach
Robert L. Ennis, James H. Griesmer, Se June Hong, Maurice Karnaugh, John K. Kastner, David A. Klein, Keith R. Milliken, Marshall

Benchmarking a Compiler
Marilyn Z. Smith

Benchmarking: Practical Evaluation of Current System Capacity
Denis J. Burt

Capacity Management – A Case History
Ted Pollak

Capacity Planning in a VM/370 Environment with Emphasis on DASD
Keith E. Silliman

Capacity Planning on Both Amdahl 470 and Sperry 1100 Systems Using BEST/1
Jerome W. Blaylock, Susan C. Fisher

Comparing IMS Measurement Packages
Bernard Domanski

DASD Management in a Multi-Processor Environment
Rich Olcott

DECSYSTEM-20 Performance Evaluation
Steven Baturin, Stephen Fiorelli, Jack Speight

Design, Measurement, and Analysis of Performance Experiments on Selected Sorting Algorithms
Santiago M. Alviar

Designing the Computer and Communications Network Simulator Network II.5
William J. Garrison

Disk System Modeling in a Cyber Environment
Martin J. Garbo, Paris E. Bingham

Enhanced I/O Performance via System Paging Facilities
James S. DeArmon

Experiences with Performance and Configuration Measurements on Data General’s Comprehensive Electronic Office Product
Virginia Aldrich, Arch Hughes

Generating Queueing Network Models From High-Level System Specifications
Kenneth C. Sevcik, Edward D. Lazowska

Implications of the Personal Computer on Capacity Planning and Performance Tuning of an SNA Network
Thomas W. McDonald

Improved Delay Calculations at Merger Nodes
R. M. Klibaner

Incremental Delay Analysis of Priority Scheduling in Closed Queueing Networks
Kasumu O. Salawu

Interactive User Productivity in a Scientific Environment
Jim Wheaton

Mainframe Computing Facilities Usage Evaluation and Future Requirements Recommendation
Alan M. Sherkow

Modeling Large IMS Systems Using Commercial Analytic Queueing Model Software Products
Jim Dwyer

Models to Evaluate Trade-Offs Between Performance and Reliability
Halim M. Khelalfa, Anneliese von Mayrhauser

On Predicting Software Related Performance of Large-Scale Systems
John E. Gaffney Jr.

On the Effectiveness of Hardware Line Monitors in Estimating Queueing Delays in SNA Networks
Robert W. McNitt, Kimberly A. Sleeper, Ashok K. Thareja

On Tuning the Fair Share Scheduler in VM Operating Systems
Subhash C. Agrawal, Ethan D. Bolker, Jeffrey P. Buzen, Tim Grieser, J. Munoz

Performance Analysis of Distributed Software Using Message Based Simulation
Rajive Bagrodia

Performance Analysis of I/O Subchannel Skews
David S. Greenberg, Annie W. Shum

Performance Analysis of Strategies for Moving Mesh Control
R. Smith, J. Saltz

Performance and Capacity Analyses in the IDMS Environment
G. Michael Van Ty Smith

Performance Comparisons of Indexed VTOCS vs OSVTOCS
Jim Wheaton

Performance Measurement of Buffered Tape
William F. Dines Jr., Mark B. Friedman

Polling Analysis of Multipoint Network Performance
Tachen Leo Lo, Jack Peng

Practical Management Tools to Increase the Efficiency of Simulation
Joseph J. Devai

Response Time Convexity for Interactive Computer Systems
James R. Kenevan, Anneliese von Mayrhauser

Software Development Guidelines – a Measurement Approach
Anneliese von Mayrhauser

Some Experiences Using Queuing Theory
Ted C. Keller

Some Performance Models of Distributed Systems
Vincent Fernandes, James C. Browne, Doug Neuse

Taming the Unix Scheduler
Darwyn R. Peachey, Carey L. Williamson, Richard B. Bunt

The Hidden Cost of DASD Errors
William R. Fairchild

The Linear Projection Model: An Event-Driven Forecasting Model
Diana De Agro, Sheryl L. Preston

Using Simulation as a Design Assessment Tool for a Real Time Air Traffic Control System
Frank R. Petroski

Using Simulation: Major Network Decisions
Michael A. Salsburg


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